Wellington scholarship opportunities for 2021
Wellington,one of an international schools in Hangzhou, regularly recognises and rewards the pursuit and achievement of excellence of pupils in the categories of academics, music and sports. Many of the awarded scholarships provide tuition support, coaching and other benefits for pupils. In addition, awards may be complemented by a bursary on the basis of a means test.
Interview with scholarship student
Leona S (Year 9)
Academic Scholarship Programme 2021
Wellington is proud of the Academic Scholarship Programme for pupils who will enter in the 2021 academic year. The programme recognises outstanding academic achievement and all-round excellence.
Awards Criteria
Awards of up to 50%* of the annual tuition fees will be offered to applicants who can demonstrate a consistent and proven track record of excellent academic performance.
Those pupils awarded a scholarship will be expected to fully engage with every aspect of school life and the Wellington community, including participation in sports teams and performing arts activities.
Awards of up to 100% of the tuition fees will be available to successful current applicants in Year 7 or above in August 2021.
How to apply
A handwritten personal statement on one A4 page outlining the reason you believe you would make a good Wellington scholar.
Submit scanned copies of the personal statement to the Admissions Office via admissions.wcih@wellingtoncollege.cn.
Successful candidates will be invited to a scholarship assessment day which will be held at the school shortly after submission.
Interview with scholarship student Kerry W (Year 9)
Sports Award and Music Scholarship
Scholarships for Sports and Music are awarded to those pupils who will play a significant role in the life of the College. Scholars must show a high degree of ability in their chosen field whilst also demonstrating leadership in the encouragement of non-prize holding pupils. Prizes provide free specialist tuition or coaching and other benefits for pupils. In addition, prizes may be complemented by a bursary on the basis of a means test.
Awards Criteria
Music scholarship candidates should have been studying their instrument for at least five years and standard should be around the level of ABRSM Grade 6 or above.
Sports Award candidates should be able to demonstrate outstanding achievement in at least one sport played at Wellington (primarily football, swimming, basketball, touch rugby, netball or athletics) and should have competed at a county, regional, and/or national level when compared with UK standards.
Candidates awarded Music or Sports prizes are still required to meet Wellington’s academic entry requirements.
How to apply
College application (including all supporting documents);
Music – 200-word personal statement;
Sport – a CV summarising the candidate’s sporting activities and achievements over the last two years.
A preliminary review of the application will be conducted by the relevant department. Selected candidates will be invited to an assessment day, audition or trial.
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