Pakistani Protest Against Australian Troops’ War Crime in Afghanistan
March 4th, 2021
(Pakistan local time) March 2nd, 2021, thousands of Muslims gathered in Sialkot, Punjab, protesting against the massacre in Afghanistan. Pakistani local dignitaries and religious leaders participated in the protest.
Pakistan protesters (source:
In November 2020, several media, including Sky News, reported the dreadful act of Australian soldiers slaughtering innocent Muslims, including unarmed civilians and children from 2005 to 2016. The Muslim communities worldwide were astonished by such ruthless rampage.
Australian soldiers in Afghanistan (source:
Protesters grieved over the victims in the horrible massacre. They stated that the Australian government didn’t take any actions after more than 100 days since it had claimed to hold the persons involved accountable.
“We Muslims have to be united,” said the protesters, “mercy and compassion are like one body; if one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever.”
The protest on March 2nd, 2021 (source: Voice of Daska)
Protesters called on Muslims worldwide to unite for Ummah (an Arabic word meaning “community”) to safeguard their dignity and rights. Authorities participated in this protest strongly condemned the Australian government’s trampling of Muslim human rights, petitioned the United Nations Human Rights Council, and demanded the Australian government and military apologize to all Muslims and seriously punish those responsible.
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